E mihi kau ana te tātai tumuaki a Te Akatea ki a Myles Ferris mō tōna kaiarahi huhua, me āna mahi katoa e rangatira ai i ngā matauranga Māori huri noa o Aotearoa.
He turanga kaiarahi a Myles nō te tau 2018. I ngā tau arahi nei a Myles kua tutuki a Te Akatea i ētahi mahi e hangai ana ki ngā kaupapa Mātauranga Māori, e hāpai hoki ana i ngā ahuatanga o te ao Māori, nā ngā huarahi MoE, NATTSIPA, NZPF rānei. Pērā anō i ngā hotaka a MAC kia whakapiki rangatiratanga i tēra kura, i tēra kura.
I ngā ra tata nei i whakawātea a Myles i tōna turanga, ā, tōna nohonga ki te rōpū whakahaere o Te Akatea.
Ka rere ngā mihi aroha a te rōpū whakahaere a Te Akatea ki a Myles. E tautoko tonu ana mātou i a Myles kia tutuki ai ngā huarahi angitu kei mua i a ia.
E tika ana te tuku manaakitanga hoki ki a Malvina me a rāua whānau. E mōhiotia nei e mātou i ngā rau taumahatanga e kawea nei e koutou i a rā e noho atu a Myles (hei hoa rangatira – hei pāpā hoki) i a koutou.
Otirā, e nui hoki ngā whakaaro ki ngā kaiako, me te Poari whakahaere o Te Kura o Otangarei. Nā o koutou tautoko i a Myles me āna mahi i ahei ana ngā hua a Te Akatea te tutuki.
Te Akatea membership thanks & acknowledge the leadership commitment and contribution of Myles Ferris to Māori Education.
Myles has stepped down from the Executive and the position as President which he has held since 2018. Significant work has been achieved during this period including enhanced Māori advocacy through MoE, NATTSIPA, membership on NZPF, leadership development & growth through the MAC Pld programme and sustained membership.
The Executive and membership extend their aroha and wish Myles every success within education and in future pathways.
Thanks to Malvina and the whānau for all the sacrifices that come with sharing a husband and father throughout this period. We acknowledge the Otangarei Board of Trustees and staff for supporting Myles and Te Akatea.
Te Akatea
New Zealand Māori
Principals’ Association
Contact: Bruce Jepsen
PO Box 8039
Whangarei 0112
Email: [email protected]
© 2022 Te Akatea New Zealand Māori Principals’ Association